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This photo was taken at the Columbia Zoo, before i actually moved to South Carolina. Notice that we are in tee shirts? This was in January. And today, it’s almost October, guess what? We are still in tee shirts. Ummmm, I don’t think there is a winter here.
Where the food comes from : )))
Many great meals come out of this kitchen!!!! I love cooking, and this kitchen is well equipped and just the right size for me. (Notice all my new pots and pans on the stove) I love the tiled floor, and i painted the walls a wonderful peachy shade. The dishwasher is full of grocery bags.
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This is where Neal and I had our first real life meeting. After meeting each other in second life (www.secondlife.com) on October 12th and falling in love virtually, we needed to find out if what we were feeling would work in real life. So, on December 8th our real life together started. There was no…
Finlay Park, Columbia SC
This is Finlay Park. Shortly after taking this photo, i misjudged a step and broke my ankle in two places. That was on April 18th, after surgery and way too muuch time on my butt, I am happy to say i’m walking again. I haven’t gone back to this park yet.
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This is Dana and Orkie taking their (all) afternoon nap. These are two of the sweetest kitties around. Dana is also known as ceiling cat, but we try not to let that go to her head. When they refuse to get out of bed, the bed doesn’t get made that day. (and we sleep on…
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At the end of April, shortly after moving to South Carolina to be with Neal, i slipped off a step in the park and broke my ankle in two places. This is the neat cast i got after the surgery. I requested tie dye, and this was as close to it as they could get.…
Kevin’s Diet
No, Kevin, we really don’t think you are plump, just cute as a button.
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This is our home, Neal’s grandparents lived here before they passed away. Someone else bought the house and did all the repairs and put it up for rent. Amazinly enough, we then found it on a rental website. And here we are. But, sad to say, we may be looking for another house soon. We…
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I’ve been playing with this Picasa program. It let’s me mess with my photos, and make things like collages. This collage, of course, is my personal favorite. (Imagine that)